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Why is Port a better way to connect?

Janice Coutinho

Jun 16, 2024

Last month at a bookstore, a guy noticed we both chose the same Stephen King book. He struck up a conversation and before leaving asked for my number. My first thought was, "Is this the beginning of a friends-to-lovers trope?" But then thoughts like "He could reach me anytime" or "What if he turns out to be a creep? He'd still have my number even if I blocked him." I politely declined, and when he asked for my Instagram, I thought, "I don't want to share my life with someone I just met." 

Many people, regardless of gender, hesitate to connect due to fear of worst-case scenarios. Whether at networking events or social mixers, sharing personal information often deters further conversation. This hesitation can prevent the start of lifelong friendships, potential job opportunities, or making a trusted friend in a new city. 

Fear of exposing personal details keeps us from conversations that could enrich our lives. 

We built Port to create a world where these connections can thrive.  

A world where you can lean into conversations without second-guessing your privacy  

Your phone number is precious, best not to give it away. Use a “Port” - a piece of single-use cryptographic information that can be used to establish a secure, end-to-end encrypted connection. This way you can have the same level of conversation – like any other messaging app without worrying about your safety.  

A world where you're not afraid to share your thoughts, criticisms, and opinions 

We're social beings who love to express ourselves. Whether it's about pineapple on pizza or criticizing the government, we all have opinions and the right to express them freely. Your conversations remain yours and yours alone on Port via our end-to-end encryption.  

A world where you can socialize and network with people with a click of a button 

Managing two phone numbers, one for personal and one for professional use, can be taxing. We're all trying to reduce our screen time and 'touch grass' more often. Why spend time managing two sets of contacts and letting them clutter your phone when you can easily network with Superports—our multi-use port that channels all your connections in seconds? 

A world where you don't fear your contact information getting into the wrong hands 

I've seen many Reddit threads and articles about phone numbers falling into the wrong hands, leading to scams, harassment, and spam. We've become indifferent to this issue because it seemed unsolvable—until now. Port's granular control lets you decide who can contact you and add you to groups. Don't settle for the bare minimum. 

A world where you can cut through the spam and focus on conversations that matter 

I love waking up to my mum’s good morning texts, but instead, I used to wake up to promotional messages, random WhatsApp forwards from a university group, and at least one spam call. Prioritize the conversations that truly matter to you with Port’s chat organization feature.  

A world where you can have transient conversations without the stress of unwanted follow- ups 

Look at your contact list—how many people are you still in touch with? Not many, right? Why do fleeting conversations require sharing a permanent identifier? Because there wasn't a better alternative—until now. With Port, you can disconnect after the conversation, leaving no trace and ensuring no unwanted follow-ups. 

 We all deserve a better way to connect, download Port. 

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